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A versatile space showcasing a spectrum of offerings to suit various tastes and preferences. Navigate through Traditional, Commercial, and Other Products, each category offering a distinct flavor to meet your diverse requirements.

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Apitan Tebu

Apitan Santan

Baby Carrier Orang Ulu From Wood

Belian Podium Stand

Big Drum

Coco Cabana Miri Building


Malay House

Melanau House

Orang Ulu House

Parang Tradisional

Ship Streering

Wood Pestle And Mortar

Wooden Anchor

Wooden Boat

Wooden Bowl

Borneo Highlands Resort - Almari pakaian dalam bilik tetamu

Ukiran kayu pada anjung rumah

Badan kapal nelayan daripada kayu yang hampir siap

Borneo Highlands Resort - Struktur bumbung kayu sepanjang laluan masuk ke lobi hotel

Borneo Highlands Resort - Bumbung restoran dengan struktur kayu keseluruhannya

Borneo Highlands Resort - Struktur bumbung kayu pada blok lobi utama

Ukiran kayu pada kaki cucuran atap rumah kediaman tradisional

Dinding dan pintu daripada kayu

Borneo Highlands Resort - Ukiran burung enggang menghiasi lobi hotel

Borneo Highlands Resort - Jeriji kayu yang memisahkan ruang lobi dan restoran

Ukiran kayu pada kaki cucuran atap rumah kediaman tradisional di Daerah Spaoh, Bahagian Betong

Sebuah kapal nelayan sedang belayar. Lokasi di Sungai Saribas, Bahagian Betong

Borneo Highlands Resort - Katil kayu dalam bilik tetamu

Borneo Highlands Resort - Kekisi kayu mengelilingi kawasan lobi dan restoran

Borneo Highlands Resort - Perabot kayu di ruang legar hotel

Borneo Highlands Resort - Kerusi dan meja makan di restoran

Borneo Highlands Resort - Lampu hiasan daripada kayu di kawasan lobi

Borneo Highlands Resort - Lampu hiasan kayu di meja sisi

Borneo Highlands Resort - Meja hiasan dalam bilik tetamu

Proses membuat ukiran kayu pada anjung rumah

Proses menyumbat celah antara kepingan papan badan kapal menggunakan kulit kayu

Pemegang Tangga

Ukiran pada kayu pada penutup gelegar rumah dan kaki cucuran atap

Borneo Highlands Resort - Perabot kayu menghiasi ruang restoran

Borneo Highlands Resort - Pintu Bilik Tetamu

Borneo Highlands Resort - Restoran dengan struktur bumbung dan perabot kayu

Sebuah rumah kediaman daripada kayu di Kampung Beladin, Bahagian Betong

Sebuah rumah tradisional daripada kayu di Daerah Spaoh, Bahagian Betong

Tangga rumah kediaman daripada kayu

Borneo Highlands Resort - Tong sampah kayu dengan ukiran tradisional dalam bilik tetamu

Borneo Highlands Resort - Ukiran kayu tradisional

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Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier

Click the product name to see the supplier